NOSH is the name of our free student lunch and nutrition program. Led by Mrs. Leamen, the Modified Academic Program and Work Oriented Training program are learning to cook as part of their work skills class. The food they learn to make is offered to students who don’t have a lunch and don’t have the option to buy a lunch either from the cafeteria or off school property. The students also make a daily baked good and we distribute fruit, granola bars and yogurt to the school offices to increases students’ access to healthy food.
This program is supported by the school’s Nutrition grant as well as a Farm to Cafeteria grant. The Farm to Cafeteria grant will allow the students to start a garden, build and hydroponic garden, grow wildflowers and learn how to be part of a more sustainable future.
The NOSH program is committed to building more sustainable food practices in the school. This includes using reusable cutlery, reusable plates and bowls and investing in good quality equipment.
In terms of support from parents the program can always benefit from cash donations, small bowls, forks and spoons. Thank you for your support!